What it means to be Asian in America
In a new analysis based on dozens of focus groups, Asian American participants described the challenges of navigating their own identity in a nation where the label “Asian” brings expectations about their origins, behavior and physical self. Here’s what participants say, in their own words, about what it means to be Asian in America.
In their own words: The diverse perspectives of being Asian in America
Q&A: Why and how we conducted 66 focus groups with Asian Americans
Documentary: Being Asian in America
In this companion documentary, we interviewed Asian American participants who were not part of our focus group study but were similarly sampled to tell their own stories, which reflect opinions, experiences and perspectives similar to those we heard in the focus groups.
Does this documentary resonate with you? Throughout August, on our social media platforms, we’ll be inviting Asian Americans to continue sharing their experiences using the hashtag #BeingAsianinAmerica. We hope you’ll observe or join in.